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-Real Time Weather Alerts
-Point/Click forecasts for any city in the United States
-Real-Time Level 3 NEXRAD Reflectivity Data
-Powerful Drawing Manager
-View Pinned Photos/Videos
-View Member Profiles & Customized Maps
-Global METARS Data
Upgrade to Tracker for as low as $1.99/month
to get access to the following:
-LIVE & Detailed Hail Path Tracking
-More customized map options
-Save and share map drawings with followers
-Share/Pin Videos and images to the WxPRO interactive map
-Gain access to the WxPRO detailed storm archive
-Update personilized weather profile with media content
-Priority WxPRO Support
-Powerful map image overlay tool
-Upload and share drone videos and images
-See details on all T-Storms in the U.S.
-Enhanced media toolkit to create detailed graphics
-LIVE GPS for route tracking
-All Level 3 Radar Products with Level 2 Reflectivity Data
-Ad Free
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